The UART are based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation andembedded trace support, together with 128 kB of embedded high speed flash memory. A128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit codeexecution at maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bitThumb mode reduces code by more than 30 % with minimal performance penalty.Due to their tiny size and low power consumption, these microcontrollers are ideal forapplications where miniaturization is a key requirement, such as access control andpoint-of-sale. With a wide range of serial communications interfaces and on-chip SRAMoptions up to 64 kB, they are very well suited for communication gateways and protocolconverters, soft modems, voice recognition and low end imaging, providing both largebuffer size and high processing power. Various 32-bit timers, PWM channels, and 32GPIO lines make these microcontrollers particularly suitable for industrial control andmedical systems.Remark: Throughout the data sheet, the term LPC2104/2105/2106 will apply to deviceswith and without /00 and /01 suffixes. Suffixes will be used to differentiate deviceswhenever they include new features.