UHF-RFIDUHF RFID Technology Development : Design IssuesSep. 20., 2004Jong-Suk Chaejschae@etri.re.krContentsI. UHF RFID System: Configuration and Functions II. Code Structure III. Comparison of Major Air Interface Standard IV. System Design Issues V. Sensor Network VI. Conclusion22 ETRI, The Future WaveUHF RFID System33 ETRI, The Future WaveWhat is USN ?USN above RFIDEverywhere, everything with RFID tags Sensing ID and environmental information Real time management via network U biquitous U biquitous S ensor S ensor N etwork N etworkService and applicationAnimal trackingBCN(IP based core network)EnvironmentDMBHospitalDTVNew radio interface Wire-line xDSLCelluar PCSIMT-2000 4GWLAN typeHome networkRFIDUbiquitous Sensor NetworkPDALogistics, SCM Tel……