自从Clark 和Lyons 在1962 年研制出第一个生物传感器以来,探测各种生物和化学分子的生化传感器相 继问世. 这类传感器的基本原理是通过生化敏感层,被分析分子在敏感层上的物理或化学吸附被换能器转化为电 信号. 在众多的设计中,将活泼的生化敏感材料涂镀在硅器件表面是一个最有新意的设想. 以往的硅生化传感器多 设计为膜片式,器件的灵敏度受到限制. 硅微机械悬臂梁是一种灵敏度极高的器件,近年来在传感器领域受到关 注. 文章总结了目前世界上硅基微悬臂梁生化传感器的最新发展动态. 对几种硅悬臂梁的设计方法和工作原理进 行了讨论,并给出了几种新型微生化气体和液体传感器检测不同有机分子和生物分子的结果.关键词 悬臂梁,敏感层,灵敏度,噪声Abstract Since the development of the glucose sensor by Clark and Lyons in 1962 , generally recognized as the first biosensor , many types of sensors have been developed in which the physical or chemical transducer is provided with a layer containing a biological sensing element . The resulting device is called a biosensor , aimed to produce an electronic signal as a function of the concentration of chemical or biochemical constituent . Among many proposed con2 cepts , the integration of biologically active materials with a silicon chip is one of the most intriguing approaches. The silicon chips are usually designed as membranes , which have limited sensitivity. The microcantilever is an extremely sensitive device , which has attracted much attention during recent years. In this paper , the newest development of cantilever2based biosensors are summarized. The design and principle of microcantilevers together with examples of a few newly developed bio2sensors are discussed.Key words cantilever , sensitive layer , sensitivity , noise