A low SAR design of folder type handset with dual antennasA LOW SAR DESIGN OF FOLDER TYPE HANDSET WITH DUALANTENNASJ. D. Park', B. C. Kim, H. D. ChoiElectronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Advanced Radio Technology DcpartmcniKoreaI.INTRODUCTIONWith fhc rapid development of mobile phone. Lhcrc has bccn a growins demand for reduction o f effectsIOthc human body from antenna exposure. Recently, planar rype anlennas arctointcnded to "plythe mobile phone in orderI D reduceSAR (Specific Absorption Ratel [I],[2]. In this study. r folder type mobile phone that has dual antennas was designed to reduceSAR on thc human hcvd. One o f f h e antennas i s PlFA (Pianar lnverled F Antenna) that isinrcrtcd i nthc foldcr case, the other is typical monopole antenna. In oldertoachieve Optimalperformance from these unle……