讨论了气流方向对一种机载总温传感器动态特性的影响, 发现气流偏角对传感器的动态特性有很大影响, 首次提出了总温传感器动态特性的方向敏感性概念。本文分析了其原因, 并指出在设计、生产和使用过程中必须控制气流偏角的大小, 否则将破坏传感器的动态性能。这一结论也适用于与结构类型相似的其它总温传感器。关键词: 温度; 传感器; 动态特性; 时间常数; 方向敏感性Abstract: The effect of the gas f low direct ion on the dynam ic character ist ic of a k indof the airbo rne to tal temperatu re sen so r is discu ssed. D iscover ing that the deviat ionangle of the gas f low has an great effect on the dynm ic character ist ic of the sen so r, theconcep t of direct ional sen sit ivity of the to tal temperatu re sen so r is advanced fo r the f irstt im e. The reason of that is analyzed in th is paper. A nd it is po in ted ou t that, du r ing thep rocasses of design, m anufact rue and u sing, con t ro lling the direct ional diviat ion isnecessary, if no t, the dynam ic character ist ic of the sen so r w ill be aggravated. Th isconclu sion can be adap ted to o ther to tal temperatu re sen so rs w ith sim ilar con st ructu re.Key words: temperatu re; sen so r; dynam ic character ist ic; t im e con stan t; direct ionalsen sit ivity