Based on the ST7570 power line networking system-on-chip, this demonstration kit embeds all the functions required for a “turn-key” power line communication network: the ST7570 modem board, the AC power supply (based on the ALTAIR4-900 chip) and the USB port to connect the kit to a PC.
The typical application environment consists of two or more EVALKITST7570-1 kits connected to an AC mains, with each kit being controlled by a PC running the ST7570 GUI software.
- Based on the ST7570 narrow-band S-FSK power line networking system-on-chip
- Suitable for point to multi-point two-way communication over AC mains
- Embedded turn-key IEC61334-5-1 compliant PHY, MAC and MIB communication layers
- Multiple configurable operating modes: Client, Server, Sniffer and Test
- Flexible architecture with transceiver (EVALST7570-1) and power supply boards
- Equipped with 110 - 240 VAC, 2 A power supply board based on the ALTAIR4-900
- USB 2.0 connection to PC
- Intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for the Windows®environment with fully programmable transceiver parameters
- Suitable for CENELEC EN50065 and FCC part 15 compliant applications
- ST7570 S-FSK power line networking system-on-chip demonstration kit
- ST7570 S-FSK power line networking system-on-chip design guide for AMR
- C library for ST7570 and STM32™
- Demonstration kit for the ST7570 power line modem with graphical user interface
- Smart grid distribution and smart meters - Energy-efficient solutions
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
ST7570 | 电力线收发器 | S-FSK电力线网络片上系统 | 点击下载 |
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