The STEVAL-IDP004V2 evaluation board embeds the STM32F205RB microcontroller and four separate L6360 ICs.
Communication with the ICs is implemented via I²C in master mode and is managed by the STM32F205RB MCU; each L6360 has its own address and shares the bus with the other devices.
The STEVAL-IDP004V2 is developed to create a multi-port master based on serial asynchronous communication to support the IO-Link protocol.
Each node is equipped with an industrial M12 connector (as recommended by the standard) for connection with a single slave node using a cable (max. length 20 meters). The wire is a normal three-pole: one for the IO-Link bus, one for the L+ line (positive supply voltage pole) and one for the L- line (negative supply voltage pole).
The STEVAL-IDP004V2 board also includes RS-485 bus, CAN bus and USB hardware interfaces.
The layout is designed to meet the requirements for IEC61000-4-2/4/5 for industrial segment.
- Master IO-Link stack embedded with read out protection
- Limitation of time of use (10000 minutes)
- Fully compatible with all IO-Link devices
- Main supply voltage 32 V maximum
- 4 L6360 IO-Link master transceiver ICs
- RS-485 serial interface
- CAN serial interface
- USB interface
- DC-DC converter
- On-board reverse polarity protection
- Designed to meet IEC requirement for industrial standards
- RoHS and WEEE compliant
- IO-Link master multi-port evaluation board based on L6360
- IO-Link solution based on STEVAL-IDP004V2 master evaluation board and STEVAL-IDP003V1 kit
- Getting started with the IO-Link evaluation solution firmware for STEVAL-IDP004V2 and STEVAL-IDP003V1
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
L6360 | 上下桥臂开关 | IO-Link通信主收发器IC | 点击下载 |
STM32F205RB | STM32高性能MCU | 高性能ARM Cortex-M3 MCU,具有128 KB Flash、120 MHz CPU和ART加速器 | 点击下载 |
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