The EVAL6474PD demonstration board is a microstepping motor driver. In combination with the STEVAL-PCC009V2 communication board and SPIN evaluation software, the board allows the user to investigate all the features of the L6474 device.
The 4-layer layout and the PowerSO package allow the highest thermal performance to be obtained.
The EVAL6474PD supports the daisy chain configuration making it suitable for the evaluation of the L6474 in multi motor applications.
- Voltage range from 8 V to 45 V
- Phase current up to 3 Ar.m.s.
- SPI with daisy chain feature
- Socket for external resonator or crystal
- FLAG LED indicator
- Suitable for use in combination with STEVAL-PCC009V2
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
L6474 | 步进电机驱动器 | 高达16微步的步进电机驱动器,具有SPI和高级电流控制 | 点击下载 |
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