The STEVAL-ISB009V1 demonstration board, based on the STC3100, is able to monitor the critical parameters of a single-cell Li-Ion battery (voltage, temperature, and current) and includes hardware functions to implement a gas-gauge for battery charge monitoring, based on a programmable 12-bit to 14-bit A/D converter.
The battery current can be up to 2.5 A and the accumulator system provides a capacity up to +/-7000 mAh with a resolution of 0.2 mAh.
The device is programmable through an I2C interface.
- Accurate battery voltage measurement
- Coulomb counter to keep track of the battery’s state-of-charge
- Internal temperature sensor
- Internal or external 32 kHz time base
- I2C interface for battery monitoring and device control
- 0.5 % battery voltage accuracy
- 1 % Coulomb counter accuracy using an external RTC signal (3.5 % using the internal time base).
- Low power consumption: 100 μA in operating conditions, 2 μA in stand-by mode
- RoHS compliant
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
STC3100 | 电池电压监视 | 具有Coulomb计数器/燃气表的电池监测IC | 点击下载 |
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