This demonstration board is a 90 W wide-range mains AC-DC adapter which is power factor corrected. Its electrical specifications are suitable for typical high-end portable computer power adapters. The particular benefits of this design are the very low no-load input consumption (<0.5 W) and the very high global efficiency.
The architecture is based on a two-stage approach: a front-end PFC pre-regulator based on the L6563 TM PFC controller and a downstream multi-resonant half-bridge converter that makes use of the L6599 resonant controller.
- Latch mode: OVP acts while VOUT > 29 VDC
- Hiccup mode: Auto recovery with SCP
- Dimensions (L/W/H): 132 mm / 52 mm / 22 mm
- High output power: 90 W (4.74 A, 19 VDC)
- Universal AC mains range: 90 VAC to 264 VAC
- Very low standby power: less than 0.5 W at 264 V
- Efficiency > 88% at universal AC mains range
- Very low output noise and ripple: less than 300 m VP-P
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
L6599 | 谐振与准谐振控制器 | 高压谐振控制器 | 点击下载 |
STP9NK50ZFP | N-沟道 (350V 至 700V) | N沟道500 V、0.72 Ohm典型值、7.2 A SuperMESH功率MOSFET,TO-220FP封装 | 点击下载 |
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