



toothache 发布

The EVAL-SSR01B-35W is intended to drive one LED string with a maximum output current of 700 mA.
The LED current can be adjusted by a PWM signal and the EN/DIS is managed on the board injecting an analog signal of 3.3 V. Both dimming and EN/DIS signals can also be provided by an external microcontroller thanks to a dedicated circuitry available on the PCB. The current dimming range is supported between 100% and 10% of maximum load.
On the secondary side, the board includes a connector to inject the PWM signal (Dimming) and the 3.3 V analog voltage (EN/DIS).
A very high power factor, low THD (THD optimizer circuit) and low BOM cost are features of this demonstration board. Input voltage variations, excessive input voltage (overvoltage like surges or bursts) and very low input voltages are managed by the HVLED001B protections, improving the reliability of the application.
The output capacitor is automatically discharged at turn-off to prevent any harm from contact with the output connector.
Output open circuit and overload protections (output short-circuit), with auto restart behavior, are implemented.

Input voltage: 90 ÷ 265 Vrms, f: 45 - 66 Hz
Output current: 700 mA (VLED = 24 V to 48 V)
Dimming: 100% to 10%
Dimming interfaces: PWM input
High power factor, low THD
Efficiency @ 230 Vac, full load: > 89%
Open load voltage limiting (< 60 V)
Fast VOUT discharge
RoHS compliant

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