将Intel SoC FPGA的开发方法详细系统的整理出来,小梅哥一直在努力。(YY自嗨一把)。
之前因为中断号的问题,卡了几年。对于ARM侧自己的GPIO,都有一个计算公式可以算出每个pin 对应的GPIO号,而对于在FPGA侧为ARM添加的PIO,添加之后该PIO的编号是多少,一直是一个困扰着我的难题,因为自己Linux方面很菜,很菜很菜,所以一直不知道如何去解决,今天终于在官网上找到了解答。以下为原文内容,我就不翻译了。最后附上能够在我们的AC501-SoC的系统中直接实验的按键中断的源码。
Application to register interrupt and write simple interrupt service routine
Detect user input from push button / DIP switch:
modprobe gpio_interrupt gpio_number=
When user presses the button or flips the dip switch, a message will be printed
to kernel console.
1. If the user connects to the console on board using serial connection,
the message "Interrupt happened at gpio:" will be printed on the
2. If the user connects to the console on board using ssh, the message can be
viewed from kernel log via "dmesg" command.
Note: User will need to do "rmmod gpio_interrupt" prior in order to change
gpio_number by calling "modprobe gpio_interrupt gpio_number=" again
User will need to get the GPIO number from /sys/class/gpio/ by using
command 'ls'. E.g.
root@socfpga~:# ls /sys/class/gpio/
gpiochip150 gpiochip152 gpiochip156 gpiochip160
gpiochip192 gpiochip224
From the listing, n can be obtained. The GPIO number may vary for different
design with different device tree entries; this is due to the GPIO numbers are
auto-assign by the kernel.
To confirm the n is associated to which peripheral, user needs to match the
label of the GPIO chip to the address of push button and DIP switch in device
root@socfpga~:# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip150/label
In this reference design, DIP switch is at address 0x10080 while the push button
is at address 0x100c0. So in this case GPIO number 150 - 151 are allocated to
push button 0 - 1.
至于如何编译该驱动和使用,请参考小梅哥《基于SoC FPGA的嵌入式设计和开发教程》一书中对应内容。