我想问一下这个图中的Ground plane removed under Vin-是什么意思,是pcb设计中铺地的时候要把V-隔开的意思吗?为什么要隔开呢?
.Minimize parasitic capacitance to any AC ground for all of the signal I/O pins. Parasitic capacitance on the output and inverting input pins can cause instability—on the noninverting input, it can react with the source impedance to cause unintentional bandlimiting. To reduce unwanted capacitance, a window around the signal I/O pins should be opened in all of the ground and power planes around those pins,
应该是因为寄生电容的问题的,但是为什么只在inverting input(2脚)开窗,输出不开窗呢?