[原创] [STM32MP135F-DK]测评 ⑤点灯

不爱胡萝卜的仓鼠   2023-12-16 16:27 楼主



        但是从单片机转到linux,想点个灯就没有那么简单了,在单片机中就直接配置寄存器,如果用STM32的直接在cubemx中图形化配置,完成外设的初始化,然后调用对应控制GPIO的函数即可。但是在linux中就没有那么简单了,所以我找了半天的资料,最终兜兜转转还是回到了ST的wiki, 不得不说,ST在资料方面做的真是不错,像我这样没有原厂FEA支持的开发者,也可以通过公开释放的资料,进行学习开发,当然ST也有论坛,不过我没有去提问过。好了言归正传,开始今日的点灯






可以使用两个框架来配置和控制给定的引脚:pinctrl 和 GPIOLib。它们是根据引脚使用情况选择的:

  • Pinctrl 主要用于引脚由内部外设控制的情况。Pinctrl 处理引脚配置,并允许将特定功能分配给引脚。Pinctrl 概述一文提供了 pinctrl 框架的概述。
  • GPIOLib 用于需要在运行时动态控制引脚 (GPIO) 的情况。GPIOLib 用于通过软件控制引脚。GPIOLib 概述一文概述了 GPIOLib


        今天我就尝试一下GPIOlib,看框图它是用户层的代码可以直接通过char device控制GPIOlib,从而控制GPIO,感觉和单片机的玩法有点像,那么就要跳转去讲GPIOlib的wiki页面,连接如下https://wiki.stmicroelectronics.cn/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_control_a_GPIO_in_userspace









root@stm32mp1:~# gpioinfo
gpiochip0 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PA0"                   input
        line   1:       "PA1"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   2:       "PA2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PA3"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   4:       "PA4"                   input
        line   5:       "PA5"                   input
        line   6:       "PA6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PA7"                   input
        line   8:       "PA8"                   input
        line   9:       "PA9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PA10"                  input
        line  11:       "PA11"                  input
        line  12:       "PA12"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  13:       "PA13"                  input active-low bias=pull-up consumer="User-PA13"
        line  14:       "PA14"                  output active-low consumer="blue:heartbeat"
        line  15:       "PA15"                  input consumer="kernel"
gpiochip1 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PB0"                   input
        line   1:       "PB1"                   input
        line   2:       "PB2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PB3"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   4:       "PB4"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   5:       "PB5"                   input
        line   6:       "PB6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PB7"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   8:       "PB8"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   9:       "PB9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PB10"                  input
        line  11:       "PB11"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  12:       "PB12"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  13:       "PB13"                  input
        line  14:       "PB14"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  15:       "PB15"                  input consumer="kernel"
gpiochip2 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PC0"                   input
        line   1:       "PC1"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   2:       "PC2"                   input
        line   3:       "PC3"                   input
        line   4:       "PC4"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   5:       "PC5"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   6:       "PC6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PC7"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   8:       "PC8"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   9:       "PC9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PC10"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  11:       "PC11"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  12:       "PC12"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  13:       "PC13"                  input
        line  14:       "PC14"                  input
        line  15:       "PC15"                  input
gpiochip3 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PD0"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   1:       "PD1"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   2:       "PD2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PD3"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   4:       "PD4"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   5:       "PD5"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   6:       "PD6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PD7"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   8:       "PD8"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   9:       "PD9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PD10"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  11:       "PD11"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  12:       "PD12"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  13:       "PD13"                  input
        line  14:       "PD14"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  15:       "PD15"                  input consumer="kernel"
gpiochip4 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PE0"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   1:       "PE1"                   input
        line   2:       "PE2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PE3"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   4:       "PE4"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   5:       "PE5"                   input
        line   6:       "PE6"                   input
        line   7:       "PE7"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   8:       "PE8"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   9:       "PE9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PE10"                  input
        line  11:       "PE11"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  12:       "PE12"                  output consumer="panel-backlight"
        line  13:       "PE13"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  14:       "PE14"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  15:       "PE15"                  input consumer="kernel"
gpiochip5 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PF0"                   input consumer="interrupt"
        line   1:       "PF1"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   2:       "PF2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PF3"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   4:       "PF4"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   5:       "PF5"                   input consumer="interrupt"
        line   6:       "PF6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PF7"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   8:       "PF8"                   input
        line   9:       "PF9"                   input
        line  10:       "PF10"                  input
        line  11:       "PF11"                  input
        line  12:       "PF12"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  13:       "PF13"                  input
        line  14:       "PF14"                  input
        line  15:       "PF15"                  input
gpiochip6 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       "PG0"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   1:       "PG1"                   input
        line   2:       "PG2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PG3"                   input
        line   4:       "PG4"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   5:       "PG5"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   6:       "PG6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PG7"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   8:       "PG8"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   9:       "PG9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PG10"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  11:       "PG11"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  12:       "PG12"                  input consumer="interrupt"
        line  13:       "PG13"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  14:       "PG14"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  15:       "PG15"                  input
gpiochip7 - 15 lines:
        line   0:       "PH0"                   input
        line   1:       "PH1"                   input
        line   2:       "PH2"                   output active-low consumer="reset"
        line   3:       "PH3"                   input
        line   4:       "PH4"                   input active-low bias=pull-up consumer="cd"
        line   5:       "PH5"                   input
        line   6:       "PH6"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   7:       "PH7"                   input
        line   8:       "PH8"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   9:       "PH9"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line  10:       "PH10"                  input
        line  11:       "PH11"                  input
        line  12:       "PH12"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  13:       "PH13"                  input consumer="kernel"
        line  14:       "PH14"                  input consumer="kernel"
gpiochip8 - 8 lines:
        line   0:       "PI0"                   input
        line   1:       "PI1"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   2:       "PI2"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   3:       "PI3"                   input consumer="kernel"
        line   4:       "PI4"                   input
        line   5:       "PI5"                   input
        line   6:       "PI6"                   input
        line   7:       "PI7"                   output consumer="enable"
gpiochip9 - 16 lines:
        line   0:       unnamed                 input
        line   1:       unnamed                 input
        line   2:       unnamed                 output active-low consumer=reset
        line   3:       unnamed                 output
        line   4:       unnamed                 output
        line   5:       unnamed                 input
        line   6:       unnamed                 input
        line   7:       unnamed                 input
        line   8:       unnamed                 input
        line   9:       unnamed                 output active-low consumer=PHY reset
        line  10:       unnamed                 output active-low consumer=PHY reset
        line  11:       unnamed                 output active-low consumer=reset
        line  12:       unnamed                 input
        line  13:       unnamed                 output consumer=shutdown
        line  14:       unnamed                 input
        line  15:       unnamed                 input







gpioset -c  gpiochip9 14=1
gpioset -t 500ms -c  gpiochip9 14=active





#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <linux/gpio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct gpiohandle_request req;
	struct gpiohandle_data data;
	char chrdev_name[20];
	int fd, ret;

	strcpy(chrdev_name, "/dev/gpiochip9");

	/*  Open device: gpiochip9 for GPIO MCP */
	fd = open(chrdev_name, 0);
	if (fd == -1) {
		ret = -errno;
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", chrdev_name);

		return ret;

	/* request GPIO line: GPIO_9_15 */
	req.lineoffsets[0] = 15;
	memcpy(req.default_values, &data, sizeof(req.default_values));
	strcpy(req.consumer_label, "led_gpio_mcp_15");
	req.lines  = 1;

	ret = ioctl(fd, GPIO_GET_LINEHANDLE_IOCTL, &req);
	if (ret == -1) {
		ret = -errno;
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to issue GET LINEHANDLE IOCTL (%d)\n",
	if (close(fd) == -1)
		perror("Failed to close GPIO character device file");

	/*  Start led blinking */
	while(1) {

		data.values[0] = !data.values[0];
		ret = ioctl(req.fd, GPIOHANDLE_SET_LINE_VALUES_IOCTL, &data);
		if (ret == -1) {
			ret = -errno;
			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to issue %s (%d)\n",

	/*  release line */
	ret = close(req.fd);
	if (ret == -1) {
		perror("Failed to close GPIO LINEHANDLE device file");
		ret = -errno;
	return ret;


PROG = led
SRCS = led.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)


# Add / change option in CFLAGS if needed
# CFLAGS += <new option>

$(PROG):  $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(PROG) $(OBJS)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

all: $(PROG)
	rm -f $(CLEANFILES) $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(SRCS)) *~





本帖最后由 不爱胡萝卜的仓鼠 于 2023-12-17 15:13 编辑


电子工程世界版权所有 京B2-20211791 京ICP备10001474号-1 京公网安备 11010802033920号