各位大侠,我编译了OS image,但是在准备下载到板子上时,正在设置连接参数,可是突然间Target->Connectivity Options没有响应,强行关闭后就再也大不开这个窗口了。我重装了platform builder也不行!attach device的下拉菜单也一个设备都不显示。点击Attach Device就得到
Failed to get KITL transport service
Warning: One or more services failed to connect. Make sure that the service is properly configured.
(CoreCon) 16:01:20 07/01/2008 China Standard Time: Failed to connect debug message service! Please check the transport settings.
(CoreCon) 16:01:20 07/01/2008 China Standard Time: Transport service failed to connect
(CoreCon) 16:01:20 07/01/2008 China Standard Time: Warning: One or more services failed to connect. Make sure that the service is properly configured.
Please check the transport settings 看这个提示去改transpant setting.
谢谢feitian lee的回答
transport settings 设成NONE,可以正常启动emulator,但是Target下面RUN Progarme,和远程那些都不能用啊?
1 关闭正在运行的PB
2 把C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CoreCon目录删除
3 重新打开PB
把 emulatortransport_500.dll 拷贝到 c:\windows下即可。
同时不能对连接设置,点connectivity options时提示Platform Builder was unable to read the device setting from the Datastore