不再是传说了,Keil 4.1中已经有203,205,207了,估计今年会量产。
看 207ZG
ARM 32-bit Cortex-M3 Microcontroller, 120MHz, 1MB Flash, 128kB SRAM,
PLL, Embedded Internal RC 16MHz and 32kHz, Real-Time Clock,
Nested Interrupt Controller, Power Saving Modes, JTAG and SWD, 16-ch DMA,
up to 12 16-bit & 2 32-bit timers, with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter
and quadrature (incremental) encoder input, 10/100 Ethernet MAC with dedicated DMA, 8- to 14-bit parallel camera interface, cryptographic acceleration,
3 SPI/I2S, 3 I2C, 6 USART, USB 2.0 full-speed & high-speed device/host/OTG,
2 CAN 2.0B Active, 3 12-bit 24-ch A/D Converter, 12-bit 2-ch D/A Converter,
SDIO, Fast I/O Ports