3500元,走支付宝。七月底通过Mouser正规渠道购买,税后价格7677,带发票。板子8月初到手,东西全新除了通电测试过一次没有再动过。包装盒太占地方就扔了恕不能提供,配件是一样不少的。绝对强悍的开发平台,相关指标不多介绍了能找到这个的应该都懂,这玩意本来就不是给初学者练手用的,板载XDS200仿真器,速度远非廉价的XDS100可比。下面是这个板子的产品页面。4核Cortex-A15+8核C66X DSP,面向超高性能专业领域,带两个10G网口和其他各种高速扩展口。
The 66AK2H Evaluation Module (EVM) is a fully featured, robust development tool for embedded high performance compute systems. It includes new hardware features and highly optimized software – for under $1,000. The EVM features a single 66AK2H14 System on Chip (SoC), an LCD display and an on-board emulation to help developers quickly start designing in 66AK2H14, 66AK2H12 or 66AKH06 SOCs that support multiple ARM A15 and C66x DSP cores. The EVM is enabled with two 10GB Ethernet interfaces for a bandwidth of 20Gbps backplane connectivity and optional wire rate switching in high density systems. A 10GB adaptor card (sold separately) is needed to optically connect to the EVM. This adaptor card is available from Mistral.
Computational performance is an industry-leading 28.4 GMACS/DSP core and 10.2 GFLOPS/DSP core (@1.2 GHz operating frequency), making K2H ideal for applications requiring significant signal processing, such as real-time military applications, medical imaging and geological exploration.The software accompanying the 66AK2H EVM is TI’s Multicore Software Development Kit (MCSDK), enabling fast development through production ready foundational software. The MCSDK provides highly-optimized bundles of foundational, platform-specific drivers, optimized libraries and demos to enable development.
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