- void Init_RTC(void)
- {
- /* enable PMU clock */
- rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_PMU);
- /* enable the access of the RTC registers */
- pmu_backup_write_enable();
- rcu_osci_on(RCU_IRC40K);
- rcu_osci_stab_wait(RCU_IRC40K);
- rcu_rtc_clock_config(RCU_RTCSRC_IRC40K);
- prescaler_s = 0x18F;
- prescaler_a = 0x63;
- rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_RTC);
- rtc_register_sync_wait();
- }
- /*!
- \brief use hyperterminal to setup RTC time and alarm
- \param[in] none
- \param[out] none
- \retval none
- */
- void rtc_setup(void)
- {
- /* setup RTC time value */
- uint32_t tmp_hh = 0xFF, tmp_mm = 0xFF, tmp_ss = 0xFF;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_factor_asyn = prescaler_a;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_factor_syn = prescaler_s;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_year = 0x18;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_day_of_week = RTC_FRIDAY;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_month = RTC_SEP;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_date = 0x21;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_display_format = RTC_24HOUR;
- rtc_initpara.rtc_am_pm = RTC_AM;
- /* current time input */
- printf("=======Configure RTC Time========\n\r");
- printf(" please input hour:\n\r");
- while (tmp_hh == 0xFF){
- tmp_hh = usart_input_threshold(23);
- rtc_initpara.rtc_hour = tmp_hh;
- }
- printf(" %0.2x\n\r", tmp_hh);
- printf(" please input minute:\n\r");
- while (tmp_mm == 0xFF){
- tmp_mm = usart_input_threshold(59);
- rtc_initpara.rtc_minute = tmp_mm;
- }
- printf(" %0.2x\n\r", tmp_mm);
- printf(" please input second:\n\r");
- while (tmp_ss == 0xFF){
- tmp_ss = usart_input_threshold(59);
- rtc_initpara.rtc_second = tmp_ss;
- }
- printf(" %0.2x\n\r", tmp_ss);
- /* RTC current time configuration */
- if(ERROR == rtc_init(&rtc_initpara)){
- printf("\n\r** RTC time configuration failed! **\n\r");
- }else{
- printf("\n\r** RTC time configuration success! **\n\r");
- rtc_show_time();
- }
- }
- /*!
- \brief display the current time
- \param[in] none
- \param[out] none
- \retval none
- */
- void rtc_show_time(void)
- {
- uint32_t time_subsecond = 0;
- uint8_t subsecond_ss = 0,subsecond_ts = 0,subsecond_hs = 0;
- rtc_current_time_get(&rtc_initpara);
- /* get the subsecond value of current time, and convert it into fractional format */
- time_subsecond = rtc_subsecond_get();
- subsecond_ss=(1000-(time_subsecond*1000+1000)/400)/100;
- subsecond_ts=(1000-(time_subsecond*1000+1000)/400)%100/10;
- subsecond_hs=(1000-(time_subsecond*1000+1000)/400)%10;
- printf("Current time: 20%0.2x-%0.2x-%0.2x %0.2x:%0.2x:%0.2x .%d%d%d \n\r", \
- rtc_initpara.rtc_year, rtc_initpara.rtc_month , rtc_initpara.rtc_date,\
- rtc_initpara.rtc_hour, rtc_initpara.rtc_minute, rtc_initpara.rtc_second,\
- subsecond_ss, subsecond_ts, subsecond_hs);
- }
- /*!
- \brief get the input character string and check if it is valid
- \param[in] none
- \param[out] none
- \retval input value in BCD mode
- */
- uint8_t usart_input_threshold(uint32_t value)
- {
- uint32_t index = 0;
- uint32_t tmp[2] = {0, 0};
- while (index < 2){
- while (RESET == usart_flag_get(USART1, USART_FLAG_RBNE));
- tmp[index++] = usart_data_receive(USART1);
- if ((tmp[index - 1] < 0x30) || (tmp[index - 1] > 0x39)){
- printf("\n\r please input a valid number between 0 and 9 \n\r");
- index--;
- }
- }
- index = (tmp[1] - 0x30) + ((tmp[0] - 0x30) * 10);
- if (index > value){
- printf("\n\r please input a valid number between 0 and %d \n\r", value);
- return 0xFF;
- }
- index = (tmp[1] - 0x30) + ((tmp[0] - 0x30) <<4);
- return index;
- }
- /* check if RTC has aready been configured */
- if (BKP_VALUE != RTC_BKP0){
- rtc_setup();
- }else{
- /* detect the reset source */
- if (RESET != rcu_flag_get(RCU_FLAG_PORRST)){
- printf("power on reset occurred....\n\r");
- }else if (RESET != rcu_flag_get(RCU_FLAG_EPRST)){
- printf("external reset occurred....\n\r");
- }
- printf("no need to configure RTC....\n\r");
- rtc_show_time();
- }
- rcu_all_reset_flag_clear();