The only controlled copy of this BIF document is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled.
This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right,
without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without
notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.
RFID 卡片或徽章通常用来实现非接触式访问控制。这在写字楼中很常见,主要用于提供楼宇门禁功能,并且限制对特定区域的访问。与13.56MHz RFID一样,近场通信 (NFC) 采用同样的ISO和IEC标准与协议,应用于很多智能手机中。这些设备可在住宅中实现全新的访问控制应用,并实现应用与电话及支持RFIC的徽章或卡片之间的通信。在设计此类访问控制系统时,其中需要考虑的一个主要因素就...[详细]
存储大厂SK海力士的CEO李锡熙(Seok-Hee Lee)近日在IEEE国际可靠性物理研讨会上发表主题演讲,分享了在闪存、内存未来发展方面的一些规划和展望。 3D NAND闪存方面,如今行业的发展重点不是更先进的工艺,也不是QLC、PLC,而是堆叠层数的不断增加,SK海力士就已经做到了176层。 SK海力士此前认为,3D闪存的堆叠层数极限是500层,不过现在更加乐观,认为在不远的将来就...[详细]