Robo:Bit Mk2 - buggy for the micro:bit
This little buggy can be assembled very quickly using only a
screwdriver. No soldering is required.
Robo:Bit robotics controller PCB
Fixings pack (battery holder, screws, mounting pillars, caster, etc.)
2 x Yellow Wheels with Tyres
2 x Motors with pre-fitted connection wires (no soldering required)
micro:bit not included, click here if you need to pick one up!
Using the basic kit you can learn about:
Controlling motors with simple Forwards / Reverse controls
Controlling the speed of motors in both directions using PWM
Use a second micro:bit with the easy-to-use radio software to control the buggy
Use the motion sensor on the micro:bit to detect collision with obstacles and avoid them
With the optional Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (not included):
Detect when obstacles get close and change the program to avoid the obstacles
"Follow-Me" program that tries to stay a certain distance from the object in front
With the optional Line Follower Sensor Pack (not included):
Use the 2 line sensors either side of the non-reflective line to detect the line and keep the buggy
on track
Write more complex programs that behave as required if you meet a T-Junction or crossing of
Compare different line following strategies - create a race-track and see which strategy is
In combination with the distance sensor, make it avoid obstacles on the track and then re-
acquire the line
Essential extras
Make sure you have everything you need with this handy checklist!
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor for Robo:Bit Mk2
Line Follower Sensor Pack for Robo:Bit Buggy‐bit‐mk2‐buggy‐for‐the‐micro‐bity 5‐24‐18