H = 175C rated T499, M = Multiple anode construction T510
(and B45396R), KO = Organic cathode T520 or T521, KT =
High temp organic cathode T525, KM = Multiple anode organic
cathode T530, FD= Organic cathode face down terminals T528.
Packaging Specifications
Package Kind:
Package Size:
Package Quantity:
Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on our knowledge of typical operating conditions for such applications, but are not intended to constitute - and
we specifically disclaim - any warranty concerning suitability for a specific customer application or use. This Information is intended for use only by customers who have the
requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by us
with reference to the use of our products is given gratis, and we assume no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained.
近日,有越来越多的学者正在探讨 机器学习 (和深度学习)的局限性,并试图为 人工智能 的未来探路,纽约大学教授Gary Marcus就对深度学习展开了系统性的批判。此前,图灵奖获得者,UCLA教授Judea Pearl的题为Theoretical Impediments to Machine Learning with Seven Sparks from the Causal Revolutio...[详细]
近几日手机新品发布会接连不断,在看完了三星和小米之后,我们该来看一看HTC了。自从HTC One M8之后,HTC手机的销量一直不温不火,现在HTC急需一款旗舰机型来提振销量,显然,只有HTC One系列的下一代产品M10能担此大任。近日,著名开发者@LlabTooFeR 在社交媒体上表示HTC Perfume(HTC One M10的开发代号)将根据发售地的不同,提供16GB/32GB/...[详细]
清华新闻网8月24日电 8月11日,清华大学微纳电子系任天令教授团队在《美国化学学会·纳米》(ACS Nano)上发表了题为《用于动作探测的石墨烯纸基压力传感器》(“Graphene-Paper Pressure Sensor for Detecting Human Motions”)的研究论文,实现了石墨烯纸压力传感器灵敏度的进一步提升,此项成果对于柔性智能可穿戴传感器的发展具有重大意义。 柔...[详细]
近日,美国办公设备巨头施乐公司因涉嫌盗用共享数据输出系统被Gallio IP LLC提起专利侵权诉讼。被指控的设备是施乐Xerox安全访问的设备,它是一种统一的身份识别系统,允许经过身份验证的用户将文档安全地发送到集中式打印服务器。 据悉,涉案专利为Gallio IP LLC的第10,176,332号美国专利,即“服务器、数据输出系统、数据输出方法和输出终端”。该专利涉及一种服务器,包括电子数...[详细]