Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on our knowledge of typical operating conditions for such applications, but are not intended to constitute - and
we specifically disclaim - any warranty concerning suitability for a specific customer application or use. This Information is intended for use only by customers who have the
requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by us
with reference to the use of our products is given gratis, and we assume no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained.
再过几天,一年一度的国际消费电子展( CES )就要在美国赌城拉斯维加斯召开,去年这个时候,中国的展商和观众那也算得是people mountain people sea,据悉CES总参展企业数为4000多个,其中中国企业占比达到1/3,其中深圳展商又占到中企2/3强,分分钟包机前往的壕气。 在这个全球影响力最大的消费科技电子展会上,最新最炫的黑科技将汇聚一堂,争奇斗艳,今年也一定不例外。20...[详细]