Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on our knowledge of typical operating conditions for such applications, but are not intended to constitute - and
we specifically disclaim - any warranty concerning suitability for a specific customer application or use. This Information is intended for use only by customers who have the
requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by us
with reference to the use of our products is given gratis, and we assume no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained.
头部手机厂商三星、华为相继推出两三代折叠屏手机产品后,来自供应链关于苹果折叠屏手机的消息也愈演愈烈。 今年年初开始,市场、供应链启动新一轮苹果折叠屏手机的泄密消息。1 月,彭博社称,苹果已经开始研发可折叠屏手机,并制作原型机。苹果正考虑生产一种‘几乎看不见铰链’的可折叠屏手机,大小与 iPhone 12 Pro Max 相近,不过最终推向市场可能仍需要数年时间。 而来自海外知名科技...[详细]