The levels of RoHS restricted materials in this product are below the maximum concentration values (also referred to as the threshold limits) permitted for such substances, or are used in an exempted application, in accordance with
EU Directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS2), as implemented March, 2013. RoHS Declarations for this product can be obtained from the Product Documentation sections of
REACh Compliance
REACh substances of high concern (SVHCs) information is available for this product. Since the European Chemi- cal Agency (ECHA) has published notice of their intent to frequently revise the SVHC listing for the foreseeable
future,please contact our office at GPTG Headquarters in Lake Forest, California to insure you get the most up-to-date REACh SVHC Declaration. REACh banned substance information (REACh Article 67) is also available upon request.
This product has not been designed or tested for use in, and is not intended for use in, applications implanted into the human body nor in applications in which failure of the product could lead to death, personal injury or property
damage, including but not limited to equipment used in the operation of nuclear facilities, life-support machines, cardiac defibrillators or similar emergency medical equipment, aircraft navigation or communication or control systems,
or air traffic control.
Global Power Technologies Group Inc., Reserves the right to make changes to the product specifications and data in this docum ent without notice.