85°C ± 2°C, 85%±5%RH, 1000 hours; 1.5 hr ON, 0.5 hr OFF cycle
85°C ± 2°C, 3000 hours, 1.5 hr ON, 0.5 hr OFF cycle
+155°C, 1000 hours
* Depends on resistance value, please contact KOA Speer for details.
Precautions for Use
• The properly and electrostatically measured taping materials are used for the components, but attention should be paid to the fact that there is some danger the parts
absorb on the top tapes to cause a failure in the mounting and the parts are destructed by static electricity (1J, 2A, 2B, 2E: 1kV and more, 1E: 0.5kV and more at Human
Body Model 100pF, 1.5kΩ) to change the resistance in the conditions of an excessive dryness or after the parts are given vibration for a long time as they are packaged
on the tapes. Similarly, care should be given not to apply the excessive static electricity when mounting on the boards.
• Ionic impurities such as flux etc. that are attached to these products or those mounted onto a PCB, negatively affect their moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, etc.
The flux may contain ionic substances like chlorine, acid, etc. while perspiration and saliva include ionic impurities like sodium (Na+), chlorine (Cl−) etc. Therefore these
kinds of ionic substances may induce electrical corrosion when they invade into the products. Either thorough washing or using RMA solder and flux are necessary since
lead free solder contains ionic substances. Washing process is needed, before putting on moisture proof material in order to prevent electrical corrosion.
The upper electrodes could be peeled off when a heat-resistant masking tape is attached to the mounted chip resistors and then detached from them. It is confirmed that
the adhesiveness gets stronger due to the exposure to heat under mounting. Accordingly, we recommend the use of masking tape be refrained. If the use of heat-resistant
masking tape is unavoidable, please make sure that the adhesives on the tape do not directly come in contact with the product.
When high-pressure shower cleaning is implemented, there is a possibility of exfoliation of the top electrodes caused by the water pressure stress so please avoid
the implementation.
If the implementation is unavoidable, then please evaluate the products beforehand.
For Surface Temperature Rise Graph see Environmental Applications. Additional environmental applications can also be found at www.koaspeer.com
Specifications given herein may be changed at any time without prior notice. Please confirm technical specifications before you order and/or use.
KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.
• 199 Bolivar Drive • Bradford, PA 16701 • USA • 814-362-5536 • Fax: 814-362-8883 • www.koaspeer.com
据外媒报道,美国密歇根大学(the University of Michigan)电气与计算机系的工程师们研发了首款全集成式单芯片数字毫米波(MMW)波束成形器,可为高频5G通信开辟新道路。该技术可用于改进车到车通信、自动驾驶、卫星互联网和国防等行业。 (图片来源:密歇根大学) 波束成形可以让传输信号的设备将信号传至特定方向,而不是让信号向各个方向辐射,后者会造成严重的干扰以及效率损失...[详细]