The properly and electrostatically measured taping materials are used for the components, but attention should be paid to the fact that there is some danger the parts absorb on the top
tapes to cause a failure in the mounting and the parts are destructed by static electricity (more than 1kV : 1J, 2A, 2B, 2E 0.5kV : 1E, Human Body Model 100pF 1.5kΩ) to change the
resistance in the conditions of an excessive dryness or after the parts are given vibration for a long time as they are packaged on the tapes. Similarly, care should be given not to apply the
excessive static electricity when mounting on the boards.
Ionic impurities such as flux etc. that are attached to these products or those mounted onto a PCB, negatively affect their moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. The flux may
contain ionic substances like chlorine, acid, etc. while perspiration and saliva include ionic impurities like sodium (Na
), chrorine (Cl
) etc. Therefore these kinds of ionic substances may
induce electrical corrosion when they invade into the products. Either thorough washing or using RMA solder and flux are necessary since lead free solder contains ionic substances.
Washing process is needed, before putting on moisture proof material in order to prevent electrical corrosion.
Please pay attention that the top of an iron does not direct touch to the components. There is a risk that may cause a change in resistance. Take care that another risk may happen that
the protecting coat is carbonized in an instant when touched directly by the top of the iron, also climatic-proof for electric corrosion or insulation of protecting coat may be dropped down.
Be sure not to give high temperature on the top of the iron as it will degrade the protecting coat.
Avoid storing components under direct sun rays, high temperature/humidity. Direct sun rays will cause quality change of taping and difficulty of keeping appropriate peeling strength. 5∼
35℃/35∼75%RH, there is no deterioration of solderability for 12 months, but take special care for storing, because condensation, dust, and toxic gas like hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid
gas, hydrogen chloride, etc. may drop solderability.
虽然一般的 LED 灯拥有节能、长寿的特点,但是其亮度还远远达不到 100 瓦白炽灯散发出来的亮度,并且随着亮度的增加,LED 灯发热折寿的问题也会出现。不过,近日,多伦多大学的三个校友联合一起,向人们提供了一个既能提高 LED 灯亮度,还能有效控制 LED 灯发热量的可行性解决方案。 该方案其实是一个经过特殊设计的电灯,名为 NanoLight ,造型类似经典的 100W 灯泡,其表面上覆盖有一...[详细]
无需增加研发成本,不影响电池续航能力,为智能物品带来更丰富的功能。 中国,2015年4月27日 横跨多重电子应用领域、全球领先的半导体供应商意法半导体(STMicroelectronics,简称ST;纽约证券交易所代码:STM)推出新款微控制器芯片,让穿戴式装置、智能家电产品等物联网(IOT, Internet of Things)应用具有出色的图形处理性能,实现像智能...[详细]
在 ARM ( Thumb )汇编语言程序中,以程序段为单位组织代码。段是相对独立的指令或数据序列,具有特定的名称。段可以分为代码段和数据段,代码段的内容为执行代码,数据段存放代码运行时需要用到的数据。一个汇编程序至少应该有一个代码段,当程序较长时,可以分割为多个代码段和数据段,多个段在程序编译链接时最终形成一个可执行的映象文件。 可执行映象文件通常由以下几部分构成: 一个或多个代码段,代码段...[详细]