The SX2060 is a small molded plastic surface mount crystal
that is well suited for high-density circuit boards. It is avail-
able in standard tape and reel format for use with automatic
pick and place equipment. The SX2060 utilizes the latest
AT-strip technology, allowing for a small package size and
The SX2060 can be used in telecommunications, wireless,
computer and peripheral equipment applications where size
and reliability are critical factors.
*SX2060 00.0000 MHz
(customer specified frequency)
*SX2060-R 00.0000 MHz
(RoHS Compliant and customer specified frequency)
MtronPTI reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and service(s) described herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application.
Please see
for our complete offering and detailed datasheets. Contact us for your application specific requirements: MtronPTI
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