非接触式电能传输是一种利用电磁感应耦合技术、电力电子技术和现代控制技术实现的电源侧与负载侧完全分离的电能传输技术,克服了传统电能传输方式在一些特殊环境如易燃易爆、水下等场合存在的弊端,实现电能安全可靠地传输。非接触感应电能传输采用可分离变压器进行电能传输,优点明显,但同样存在缺点,主要缺点是:由于漏磁增加,可分离变压器的副边输出电压与传统变压器相比减小,不能由变压器原边电压推导出副边电压。本文应用变压器原、副边电压频率不受可分离变压器存在较大气隙的影响原理,将负载电压转换成与电压成比例关系的交流信号,通过原边接收检测电压的频率间接获取负载电压,进而调节变压器一次侧电压,达到调节负载输出电压的目的。本文提出这种应用于非接触感应电能传输系统中间接检测负载电压的方法,实现了非接触感应电能传输系统中闭环电压检测与控制,使负载侧电压精确控制变为可能。Abstract: Most electrical equipments get the energy through plugs from source, this kind of energy transmission system is efficientand accepted widely. But it is unsafe at the special circumstance such as undersea applications and flammable environments, for spark anduncovered conduct exist at those systems. This paper describes a contact-less power transmission system using detachable transformer,which is spark free and no uncovered conduct is exposed to the environments. But because there is a contact-less transformer in thecontact-less power transfer system, we can’t get the voltage of load side directly. This paper finds a method which can indirectly detect thevoltage of load side by changing the direct-current voltage of the load side to the square waves of the different frequencies, and put thesquare wave on the detachable transformer which is another transformer. We can get the signal in the primary side which changing with thevoltage of the load side by magnetizing couple. So, we can gain the voltage of the load side indirectly by measuring the frequency of thesignal in the primary side. By this way, we can detect and control the load side voltage of the contact-less power transfer system.关键词:非接触电能传输,串联谐振式逆变器,可分离变压器,负载电压控制Keywords: contact-less power transmission, resonant converter , detachable transformer, voltage control