无线传感器网络中基于蚁群算法的路由算法:提出一种基于蚁群算法的无线传感器网络路由算法。该算法综合网络分簇算法及蚁群算法的优点,考虑节点当前可用能量对路由选择的影响,使选择路由时既能均衡节点的能量消耗,又能利用蚁群算法正反馈的作用实现快速搜寻从簇头节点到汇聚节点的多跳最优路径,通过在簇头节点进行数据汇聚降低路由的开销。仿真结果验证了该算法的可行性和有效性。关键词:蚁群算法;无线传感器网络;路由;多跳【Abstract】This paper proposes a novel routing algorithm based on Ant Colony Algorithm(ACA) for Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs), which isin spirit of the advantages of clustering algorithm and ACA. It considers the influence of the remaining power, so it is able to balance theconsumption of node power, and it uses positive feedback of ACA to find the optimal multihop routing from the cluster head to the sink node.Simulation result shows that the algorithm is rational and efficient in WSNs.【Key words】Ant Colony Algorithm(ACA); Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs); routing; multihop