Agilent AN 154 S-Parameter Design Application Note S参数的设计与应用The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuitdesign techniques has been recognized both by microwaveengineers and circuit designers. These engineersare being asked to design solid state circuitsthat will operate at higher and higher frequencies.The development of microwave transistors andAgilent Technologies’ network analysis instrumentationsystems that permit complete network characterizationin the microwave frequency rangehave greatly assisted these engineers in their work.The Agilent Microwave Division’s lab staff hasdeveloped a high frequency circuit design seminarto assist their counterparts in R&D labs throughoutthe world. This seminar has been presentedin a number of locations in the United States andEurope.From the experience gained in presenting this originalseminar, we have developed a four-part videotape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the technologyof high frequency circuit design is everchanging, the concepts upon which this technologyhas been built are relatively invariant.The content of the S-Parameter Design Seminar isas follows: