The RT9266 is a compact, high efficiency, and low voltagestep-up DC/DC converter with an Adaptive Current ModePWM control loop, includes an error amplifier, rampgenerator, comparator, switch pass element and driverin which providing a stable and high efficient operationover a wide range of load currents. It operates in stablewaveforms without external compensation.The low start-up input voltage below 1V makes RT9266suitable for 1 to 4 battery cells applications of providingup to 300mA output current. The 450kHz high switchingrate minimized the size of external components. Besides,the 17uA low quiescent current together with highefficiency maintains long battery lifetime.The output voltage is set with two external resistors. Bothinternal 2A switch and driver for driving external powerdevices (NMOS or NPN) are provided.