The ISL6622A is a high frequency MOSFET driver designed to drive upper and lower power N-Channel MOSFETs in a synchronous rectified buck converter topology. The advancedPWM protocol of ISL6622A is specifically designed to workwith Intersil VR11.1 controllers and combined withN-Channel MOSFETs, form a complete core-voltage regulatorsolution for advanced microprocessors. When ISL6622Adetects a PSI protocol sent by an Intersil VR11.1 controller, itactivates Diode Emulation (DE) operation; otherwise, itoperates in normal Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM)PWM mode.In the 8 Ld SOIC package, the ISL6622A drives the uppergate to 12V while the lower get can be driven from 5V to 12V.The 10 Ld DFN part allows for more flexibility. The upper gatecan be driven from 5V to 12V using the UVCC pin and thelower gate can also be driven from 5V to 12V using the LVCCpin. This provides the flexibility necessary to optimizeapplications involving trade-offs between gate charge and conduction losses.