radiosoftwareprotocalAPPLICATION NOTEnRF Radio protocol guidelines *(1(5$/Q$1This application note describes two different methods of how to implement software routines to transfer data from one microcontroller to another via a nRF chip: Oversampling Use of a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.) This document only describes the link-layer part of the OSI reference model. It is however enough information in this document to be able to build a radio link using the nRF devices.3$&.(7 )250$7Preamble Address Payload ChecksumFigure 1 Reference packet format 3UHDPEOH A packet has to begin with a preamble. The preamble has two tasks: 1: Stabilise the receiver. 2: Synchronise a receiving UART if used. How long a preamble should be, and how it should look like will vary from nRF device to……