Analog_TVl Introduction l Analog TV systems l Progressive and interlaced systems l Synchronism signals l Composite signal l Components signal l NTSC and PAL systems l Sampling of the TV signal1CameraAmplitudeTransmitter0Real worldElectrical signalVisual system TV screen Receiver2ScleraVitreous humor Iris Cornea Lens FoveaAqueous humorRetinaOptic nerveBlind spotGlare limit0.01 Sensibility to contrast 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 Temporal frequency (Hz) 1 2 4 8Subjective brightnessAdaptation range(cy cle s/d egr ee)Ba Bb0.5Spa tial fre que ncyScotopicScotopic thresholdPhotopicLog of intensity3Number of lines per image: Depends on desired vertical definition Number of images per second: No flicker > 50 Motion sensation > 15……