各向异性衬底上的高温超导( HTS)微带天线分析了各向异性衬底上的高温超导微带天线特性。选取两种典型的高温超导各向异性介质———GaNdAlO3 和SrLaAlO4 作为高温超导微带天线的衬底,采用各向异性媒质中的谱域矩量法,对微带天线的输入阻抗和辐射效率进行了计算。计算和分析结果表明,高温超导衬底的各向异性特性会影响高温超导微带天线的性能,而且这种影响因衬底而异,同时,衬底特性随温度的变化也将影响天线的性能。The performances of HTSmicrostrip antennas on anisotrop ic substrates are studied in this paper. The input impedance and radiation efficiency of HTS microstrip antennas on two typ ical HTS anisotrop ic substrates , GaNdAlO3 and SrLaAlO4 , are calculated using the modified spectral domain momentmethod in anisotrop ic materials. The results show that the anisotrop ic p roperty of high2temperature superconductor substrates have an influence on the performances of HTSmicros2 trip antennas, which varieswith substrates, while the variation of the p roperties of HTS substrateswith the temperature also affects the performances of antennas.