分析和研究了光纤光斑尺寸、透镜的数值孔径、放大倍率、光纤与透镜的匹配及装配等对自聚焦共焦光纤传感轴向分辨率的影响。指出, 为使系统获得较高的轴向分辨率, 需控制与光纤光斑尺寸有关的参数A ≤3, 选用大放大倍率的自聚焦透镜, 并使透镜的数值孔径小于光纤数值孔径, 同时要保证透镜与光纤间的精密装配。关键词: 光纤共焦显微技术; 光纤传感器; 自聚焦透镜; 轴向分辨率Abstract: The effect parameters, such as fiber2op t ical spo t size, the numerical aperture and magnificat ion of a gradient2index lens,match and assembly betw een a gradient2index lens and the fiber on axial reso lu2 t ion of the fiber2op t ical confocalm icro scope. It is po inted that, in o rder to obtain h igh axial reso lut ion, parameter A related to fiber2op t ical spo t should be less than 3, the h igh magnificat ion gradient2index lens should be selected, the numerical aperture a gradient2index lens should less than that of a fiber, and p recision assembly betw een a gradient2index lens and the fiber should be abtained.Key words: F iber2op t ical confocalm icro scope; F iber2op t ical senso r; Gradient2index lens; A xial reso lu2 t ion