LVT (Low Voltage Technology) and ALVT (Advanced LVT)Philips Semiconductors has introduced two low voltage familiesoptimized for backplane driving applications: LVT (Low VoltageTechnology) and ALVT (Advanced LVT). The purpose of this note isto provide better insight into both families for optimal use bydesigners in their applications.New circuit techniques have been pioneered that give LVT andALVT their unique properties, some of which will be discussed indetail.Both families are fabricated using QUBiC, an advanced BiCMOSprocess, where the best properties of bipolar transistors (fT=17GHz)are combined with optimized CMOS (0.65 – 0.8 ). In addition,special components can be built in such as Schottky diodes andzener diodes for specific requirements. QUBiC processing enablesextremely short propagation delay times combined with low powerdissipation, low noise and high output drive. The process alsoallows very low temperature dependency of AC and DCcharacteristics.The excellent properties available in the world’s first AdvancedBiCMOS family, Philips Semiconductors’ 5V ABT family, are nowtaken to even greater heights in LVT and ALVT.