oss_for_cots_gps_receiversOPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE FOR COMMERCIAL OFF-THE-SHELF GPS RECEIVERSby ANDREW GREENBERGA thesis submitted in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree ofMASTER OF SCIENCE in ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERINGPortland State University 2005ABSTRACTAn abstract of the thesis of Andrew Greenberg for the Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering presented May 6, 2005.Title: Open Source Software for Commercial O-the-Shelf GPS ReceiversInexpensive and commercially available Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers can be used in novel applications, such as nanosatellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), by modifying the receiver’s software. Unfortunately, typical GPS software development systems cost tens of thousands of dollars and have restrictive lice……