This preface is addressed to instructors as well as students at the junior–seniorlevel for the following reasons. I have been teaching courses on digital signalprocessing, including its applications and digital filter design, at the undergraduateand the graduate levels for more than 25 years. One common complaint I haveheard from undergraduate students in recent years is that there are not enoughnumerical problems worked out in the chapters of the book prescribed for thecourse. But some of the very well known textbooks on digital signal processinghave more problems than do a few of the books published in earlier years.However, these books are written for students in the senior and graduate levels,and hence the junior-level students find that there is too much of mathematicaltheory in these books. They also have concerns about the advanced level ofproblems found at the end of chapters. I have not found a textbook on digitalsignal processing that meets these complaints and concerns from junior-levelstudents. So here is a book that I have written to meet the junior students’ needsand written with a student-oriented approach, based on many years of teachingcourses at the junior level.