为了使计算机技术专业的学生在学习面向对象程序设计时对其抽象概念进行理解并能灵活地应用,也使工业控制自动化专业的学生在PLC/DCS系统编程时对编程原理理解,加深对编程理论的学习,把面向对象编程和工业控制自动化这两个看似不同的学科门类,通过其内在的编程思想,在教学中联系起来,以提高学生的编程兴趣和应用程序的开发能力,为学生的可持续发展和成为复合型的企业技术人才奠定坚实的基础。做中学,学中做,到实践中去,把生产和教学结合起来,其中不乏工学结合的高职教学理念。Abstract: In order to make the students of computer technology speciality comprehend the ideas of OOP (object-oriented programming),and apply it flexibly,as well as to the ones of industry automation understand the programming theories during learning the PLC/DCS system programming,it joined the two different subjects—OOP and industry automation technology together in the class learning to enhance the interest of programming and the abilities of developing applications. So it can apply a solid foundation to the students in his sustainable development and being a combination qualified person.“Learning in work,learning for work”,if the work and learning is combined together,there is no lack of the polytechnic learning ideas of work-integrated learning .