The Spartan™-IIE 1.8V Field-Programmable Gate Arrayfamily gives users high performance, abundant logicresources, and a rich feature set, all at an exceptionally lowprice. The five-member family offers densities ranging from50,000 to 300,000 system gates, as shown in Table 1. Systemperformance is supported beyond 200 MHz.Spartan-IIE devices deliver more gates, I/Os, and featuresper dollar than other FPGAs by combining advanced processtechnology with a streamlined architecture based onthe proven Virtex™-E platform. Features include block RAM(to 64K bits), distributed RAM (to 98,304 bits), 19 selectableI/O standards, and four DLLs (Delay-Locked Loops). Fast,predictable interconnect means that successive design iterationscontinue to meet timing requirements.The Spartan-IIE family is a superior alternative tomask-programmed ASICs. The FPGA avoids the initial cost,lengthy development cycles, and inherent risk ofconventional ASICs. Also, FPGA programmability permitsdesign upgrades in the field with no hardware replacementnecessary (impossible with ASICs).