The TC1232 is a fully-integrated processor supervisorthat provides three important functions to safeguardprocessor sanity: precision power on/off reset control,watchdog timer and external reset override.On power-up, the TC1232 holds the processor in thereset state for a minimum of 250 msec after VCC iswithin tolerance to ensure a stable system start-up.Microprocessor sanity is monitored by the onboardwatchdog circuit. The microprocessor must provide aperiodic low-going signal on the ST input. Should theprocessor fail to supply this signal within the selectedtime-out period (150 msec, 600 msec or 1200 msec),an out-of-control processor is indicated and theTC1232 issues a processor reset as a result.The outputs of the TC1232 are immediately drivenactive when the PB input is brought low by an externalpush button switch or other electronic signal. Whenconnected to a push button switch, the TC1232provides contact debounce.The TC1232 is packaged in a space-saving 8-Pin PDIPor SOIC package, a 16-Pin SOIC (wide) package andrequires no external components.