The EL2071 and EL2171 are widebandwidth, fast settling monolithicamplifiers built using an advancedcomplementary bipolar process. The EL2071 has adisable/enable feature which allows power down and analogmultiplexing. These amplifiers use current-mode feedback toachieve more bandwidth at a given gain than conventionaloperational amplifiers. Designed for closed-loop gains of ±7to ±50, the EL2071 and EL2171 have a 150MHz - 3dBbandwidth (AV = +20), and 2.5ns rise/fall time, whileconsuming only 15mA of supply current. The EL2071consumes only 1.5mA when disabled.The wide 150MHz bandwidth and extremely linear phase(0.2dB deviation from linear at 50MHz) allow superior signalfidelity. These features make the EL2071 and EL2171especially suited for many digital communication systemapplications.The EL2071's and EL2171's settling to 0.1% in 10ns andability to drive capacitive loads make them ideal in flash A/Dapplications. D/A systems can also benefit from the EL2071and EL2171, especially if linearity and drive levels areimportant.