The HA-5195 is a operational amplifier featuring acombination of speed, precision, and bandwidth. Employingmonolithic bipolar construction coupled with DielectricIsolation, this device is capable of delivering 200V/μs slewrate with a settling time of 70ns (0.1%, 5V output step). Thistruly differential amplifier is designed to operate at gains ≥ 5without the need for external compensation. Otheroutstanding features are 150MHz gain bandwidth productand 6.5MHz full power bandwidth. In addition to thesedynamic characteristics, this amplifier also has excellentinput characteristics such as 3mV offset voltage and6.0nV/√Hz input voltage noise at 1kHz.With 200V/μs slew rate and 70ns settling time, the HA-5195is an ideal output amplifier for accurate, high speed D/Aconverters or the main components in high speedsample/hold circuits. The 5195 is also ideally suited for avariety of pulse and wideband video amplifiers. Please referto Application Notes AN525 and AN526 for some of theseapplication designs.