The EL2244 and EL2444 are dual and quad versions of thepopular EL2044. They are high speed, low power, low costmonolithic operational amplifiers built on Elantec'sproprietary complementary bipolar process. The EL2244and EL2444 are unity-gain stable and feature a 325V/μsslew rate and 120MHz gain-bandwidth product whilerequiring only 5.2mA of supply current per amplifier.The power supply operating range of the EL2244 andEL2444 is from ±18V down to as little as ±2V. For singlesupplyoperation, the EL2244 and EL2444 operate from 36Vdown to as little as 2.5V. The excellent power supplyoperating range of the EL2244 and EL2444 makes them anobvious choice for applications on a single +5V or +3Vsupply.The EL2244 and EL2444 also feature an extremely wideoutput voltage swing of ±13.6V with VS = ±15V and RL=1kΩ.At ±5V, output voltage swing is a wide ±3.8V with RL = 500Ωand ±3.2V with RL = 150Ω. Furthermore, for single-supplyoperation at +5V, output voltage swing is an excellent 0.3Vto 3.8V with RL = 500Ω.At a gain of +1, the EL2244 and EL2444 have a -3dBbandwidth of 120MHz with a phase margin of 50°. Becauseof their conventional voltage-feedback topology, the EL2244and EL2444 allow the use of reactive or non-linear elementsin their feedback network. This versatility combined with lowcost and 75mA of output-current drive make the EL2244 andEL2444 an ideal choice for price-sensitive applicationsrequiring low power and high speed.