智能客户端是分布式系统,在不安全的网络环境下保证其安全性是系统成功的关键。采用身份验证、授权、敏感数据保护、代码访问安全等多层次的安全方法可以有效的保障应用系统安全。这些方法在高校档案管理系统的开发中被采用,通过对系统进行严格的测试,结果表明其安全性已经实现设计要求。关键字:智能客户端安全性;身份验证;授权;敏感数据保护;代码访问安全;高校档案管理系统Abstract :Smart Client is a distributed system, the security is the key about whetherit is successful in the insecure network environment. Taking the methods from differentlayers such as authentication, authorization, protecting sensitive data, code accesssecurity etc. can protect the application effectively. These methods are used indeveloping University Archives Manage System, and the strict test shows that theapplication security has met the design requirements.Key Words: Smart Client Security; authentication; authorization; protecting sensitivedata; code access security; University Archives Manage System