The HMU17/883 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bitparallel multiplier ideal for fast, real time digital signal processingapplications. The 16-bit X and Y operands may be independentlyspecified as either two’s complement or unsigned magnitude format,thereby allowing mixed mode multiplication operations.Additional inputs are provided to accommodate format adjustmentand rounding of the 32-bit product. The Format Adjust controlallows the user the option of selecting a 31-bit product withthe sign bit replicated LSP. The Round control is provided toaccommodate rounding of the most significant portion of theresult. This is accomplished by adding one to the most significantbit of the LSP.Two 16-bit output registers (MSP and LSP) are provided to holdthe most and least significant portions of the result, respectively.These registers may be made transparent for asynchronousoperation through the use of the Feedthrough Control (FT). Thetwo halves of the product may be routed to a single 16-bit threestateoutput port via the output multiplexer control, and in addition,the LSP is connected to the Y-input port through a separatethree-state buffer.The HMU17/883 utilizes a single clock signal (CLK) along withthree register enables (ENX, ENY, and ENP) to latch the inputoperands and the output product registers. The ENX and ENYinputs enable the X and Y input registers, while ENP enables boththe LSP and MSP output registers. This configuration facilitatesthe use of the HMU17/883 for micro-programmed systems.All outputs of the HMU17/883 also offer three-state control formultiplexing onto multiuse system busses.