The TC4426/TC4427/TC4428 are improved versionsof the earlier TC426/TC427/TC428 family of MOSFETdrivers. The TC4426/TC4427/TC4428 devices havematched rise and fall times when charging anddischarging the gate of a MOSFET.These devices are highly latch-up resistant under anyconditions within their power and voltage ratings. Theyare not subject to damage when up to 5V of noise spiking(of either polarity) occurs on the ground pin. Theycan accept, without damage or logic upset, up to500 mA of reverse current (of either polarity) beingforced back into their outputs. All terminals are fullyprotected against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) up to4 kV.The TC4426/TC4427/TC4428 MOSFET drivers caneasily charge/discharge 1000 pF gate capacitances inunder 30 ns. These devices provide low enoughimpedances in both the on and off states to ensure theMOSFET’s intended state will not be affected, even bylarge transients.Other compatible drivers are the TC4426A/TC4427A/TC4428A family of devices. The TC4426A/TC4427A/TC4428A devices have matched leading and fallingedge input-to-output delay times, in addition to thematched rise and fall times of the TC4426/TC4427/TC4428 devices.