uPC8236T6N-A [DS]DATA SHEETBIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITμPC8236T6NSiGe:C LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER FOR GPSDESCRIPTIONThe μPC8236T6N is a silicon germanium carbon (SiGe:C) monolithic integrated circuit designed as low noise amplifier for GPS. This device exhibits low noise figure and high power gain characteristics, so this IC can improve the sensitivity of GPS receiver. In addition, the μPC8236T6N which is included output matching circuit contributes to reduce external components and system size. The package is a 6-pin plastic TSON (Thin Small Out-line Non-leaded) (T6N) suitable for surface mount. This IC is manufactured using our UHS4 (Ultra High Speed Process) SiGe:C bipolar process.FEATURES Supply voltage Low noise High gain Low current consumption Built-in power-saving function High-densi……