MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543BCD-to-7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driverfor Liquid Crystal DisplaysGeneral Des criptionThe MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543 BCD-to-7 segmentlatch/decoder/driver utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOStechnology, and can be used either as a high speed decoderor as a display driver. This circuit contains a 4-bit latch,BCD-to-7 segment decoder, and 7 output drivers. Data onthe input pins flow through to the output when the LATCHENABLE (LE) is high and is latched on the high to low transitionof the LE input. The PHASE input (PH) controls thepolarity of the 7 segment outputs. When PH is low the outputsare true 7 segment, and when PH is high the outputsare inverted 7 segment. When the PHASE input is driven bya liquid crystal display (LCD) backplane waveform the segmentpins output the correct segment waveform for properLCD AC drive voltages.In addition a BLANKING INPUT (Bl) is provided, which willblank the display.The MM54HC4543/MM74HC4543 are functionally and pinoutequivalent to the CD4543BC/CD4543BM and theMC14543BA/MC14543BC. All inputs are protected fromdamage due to static discharge by diodes to VCC andground.